Great victory: 3-0 over Firenze

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Another great victory for Igor Volley Novara: Francesca Piccinini and her team-mates did a great job winning 3-0 the home game against Firenze in the 14th round of the Italian league Regular Season. Paola Egonu scored 20 in just 3 sets while the guests' top scorer was Indre Sorokaite with 11 points.

Igor Volley Novara – Il Bisonte Firenze 3-0 (25-19, 25-16, 25-22)
Igor Volley Novara
: Vasilantonaki 1, Camera ne, Plak 11, Gibbemeyer ne, Enright 10, Skorupa 2, Bonifacio 4, Chirichella 10, Sansonna (L), Piccinini, Zannoni, Egonu 20. All. Barbolini.
Il Bisonte Firenze: Sorokaite 11, Alberti 6, Bechis 1, Bonciani, Santana 4, Di Iulio ne, Parrocchiale (L), Pietrelli, Milos Prokopic 9, Tirozzi 5. All. Caprara.